Great News!

Apparently the Disneyland Entrance Plaque was listening to Mousetalgia Episode 89, and heard about the site. His email:

“Dear Dave,

I was listening to Episode 89 and heard about your wonderful new website.  I was able to get on the Internet a few years back, when they laid some networking cables along the railroad tracks.  I’ve often wondered what it took to start a blog, but didn’t have the expertise!  I would love to blog on your site from time-to-time.  As you can imagine I am quite busy watching people come and go from the parks.

I look forward to sharing what I see from day-to-day!


a.k.a the Disneyland Park Plaque”

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5 Responses to Great News!

  1. Dr.K says:

    Paul, Glad to you see you are making an online appearance. We give you a wave everytime we visit, but you knew that didn’t you. We look forward to hearing your adventures from the top of the arch. Keep smiling.

  2. RTA says:

    Hey Paul, it’s great news to hear about the blog. I always like to hear the stories from those who were there in the beginning.

  3. Geren says:

    Wow, I never knew your name was Paul! I’ll have to make sure to tell everyone your proper name when I am next in the park. Thank you for your steadfast efforts, sir. You are a friend to all.

  4. Geren Piltz says:

    Hi Paul,

    One more quick question: Do you live above both entrance portals, or is that your twin sibling? I know, deep, huh? Cheers!


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